Beneficial Insects and their Services:

Pollinators: Honeybees, bumble bees, orchard mason bees, wasps, flies, butterflies

Predator Insects: Spined Soldier Bugs, Lady Bugs, Praying Mantis, Lace-wings, Spiders (not insects) and more

Parasitizing Insects: Various wasps and flies that lay eggs within the pest insect in order to raise their young

Link to Beneficial Insects website

Creating Beneficial Insect Habitat:

In order to attract beneficial insects you need to have a habitat. Many insects in adult form nectar on flowers, these flowers serve as a ‘watering hole’ for the insect community. Insects drink nectar, mate, lay eggs and then the larvae eat other insects.

A habitat includes:

  • Nectar rich flowers that bloom from spring until fall (April-late October) this can be accomplished by planting many species that flower in succession throughout the growing season.

  • Larger flowers are more noticeable to many species

  • Many plants in the mint and aster family are good for attracting beneficial insects

  • Create an overwintering habitat in the flower bed for beneficial

Link to Complete Insectary Plant Profile Guide