Posts in Sustainability
Do Fruit Trees Need Probiotics?

Some of the things that probiotics do for fruit trees (and trees in general) are a lot like what they do for your digestion. Each teaspoonful of probiotics contains millions of microbes that quickly spread over the roots or leaves of a plant. There they crowd out other organisms that might not be good for the health of the plant, just like our gut biotic products help establish healthy biomes in your intestines.

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Make Fruitful Difference This Arbor Day

Nothing sparks as much excitement and anticipation for Kansas City gardeners as the warmer temperatures and longer days that come in April. Every year we anxiously await the thawing of soil so that we may tenderly plant, care for, and harvest our annual vegetable gardens, enjoying the fruits of our labors for many months of the year. Tomatoes, peppers, greens, and beans are sure to be on your list of veggies this year, but have you considered adding a fruit tree to the mix?

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